Thursday 25 January 2018

Hacking Facebook Acount Using PHISHING method

Hacking FaceBook Accounts Using PHISHING Method

First of all download the Facebook Phishing Page.

Extract the zip file now you will get three files as given below:
➤ index.html
➤ log.txt
➤ login.php
Upload all the three files to any of the free Web hosting server. Some Free Web
hosting servers are given below you can also find few more for yourself.
Once you have uploaded all the three files to web hosting server now you have to
send these ( /fp) to your victim. Now
After sending Phisher to victim, once the user logs in to his Facebook account
using your Phisher, his user ID and password are ours...And these are stored in
passes.txt what you have to do is just refresh your Web hosting account files.
And Then You Are Done...